Terms and Conditions

Our Terms and Conditions were last updated on 05/27/24.

Please read them carefully before using Our Service.

Article 1: General

By using the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and to use the Site in accordance with these Terms of Service, our Privacy Policy and any additional terms and conditions that may apply to specific sections of the Site or to products and services available through the Site or from Light Sword Martial Arts PMA.

Accessing the Site, in any manner, whether automated or otherwise, constitutes use of the Site and your agreement to be bound by these Terms of Service.

These terms and conditions form a part of Light Sword Martial Arts PMA enrollment agreement with you and apply ONLY to advanced courses, paid programs or any group training that is NOT a Mentorship or Mastermind Program and NOT a free program. Throughout the terms and conditions the advanced training programs (which are delineated as paid programs) are herein referred to as the “Advanced Training” and to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions issued or stipulated by anyone other than Light Sword Martial Arts PMA In these terms and conditions, all references to “us”, “our” and “we” mean Light Sword Martial Arts PMA.

1. Professional Conduct

You agree that you are enrolling in an educational oriented event that includes other professionals who are attending to learn from the presenters, educators and speakers. You agree to act professionally, courteously and in a positive manor towards all attendees, staff, presenters or any other category of participant in the events. Any acts deemed offensive, inappropriate or potentially unfriendly to any persons involved in the event will result in your immediate removal from the event and exclusion from participating in future events with any Light Sword Martial Arts PMA brand. You further more agree to not inappropriately provoke or interrupt the process in anyway.

2. Intellectual Property

All material relating to the Seminar for which you are enrolling whether presented during, before or after the Seminar, is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. The copyright in all such materials remains the property of their owners and may not be recorded, used or reproduced, without the written permission of the copyright owner. You agree not, at any time, to do anything that would infringe the intellectual property rights in such materials. Recording the events in any fashion is not allowed, and you agree to neither record the event nor distribute the event without the express written permission of Light Sword Martial Arts PMA AND the IP holder of the material.

3. Financial Information Disclaimer

Any financial information presented at this event is prepared and presented as entertainment and information only. Light Sword Martial Arts PMA makes no representation and gives no warranty to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided at or in relation to this event and does not accept responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in, or omissions from, the information contained herein. The information provided during or in relation to the event is for general purposes only and it does not purport to be comprehensive or to render specific advice. The information provided during or in relation to the event should not be regarded as financial advice. If any information or advice that may constitute financial advice is given at or in relation to an event, such financial advice is not authorized or endorsed by Light Sword Martial Arts PMA and does not constitute financial advice given by Light Sword Martial Arts PMA. This disclaimer does not purport to exclude any warranties implied by law which may not be lawfully excluded.

4. Education & Entertainment Disclaimer

Any materials or education given by the speakers during the event are merely used for awareness and entertainment purposes. You agree that your participation in this event is to engage in the entertainment and education only from a viewer perspective. The material at this event is not intended to be any sort of consulting, coaching or advising to you. If you chose to use any of the techniques or education presented at this event, you do so at your own risk of the impact it may have on your business or life. You agree to hold harmless Light Sword Martial Arts PMA and all speakers, educators or trainers you see at this event in regards to any information you hear and decide to use in your own training, business or life. You agree that the presentations are all for education and entertainment and are in no way intended to be strategies to implement into your business without the analysis and assessment of a private consultant to make sure they are the right strategies for you and for your business. You agree that anything you do in your business is your responsibility and you will not holdLight Sword Martial Arts PMA accountable for any results you create by choosing to action any techniques you hear about in the seminar.

5. Photos & Videos at Live events

From time to time at Light Sword Martial Arts PMA live events Professional Photography and/or Videography will be used to capture the event. You agree that your participation in anyLight Sword Martial Arts PMA event might result in you being capture in a photo or video. You hereby give Light Sword Martial Arts PMA the full right to use your likeness in any photo or video that we choose for marketing campaigns with no further responsibility for clearing the rights of use of that picture or video with you, even though your image of likeness might be captured in the photo or video.

6. Money Back Guarantee

When you participate fully in every aspect of the advanced course (including going through all online education provided, attending all planned group coaching calls, attending all live training events, completing all private coaching calls, completing ALL assigned actions, homework or challenges between sessions, or anything else presented as compulsory for proper completion for the intended result), if you don’t accomplish your personal training goals as related to the relevant course, grow your business or earn back your investment in the course, Light Sword Martial Arts PMA will refund your money. To be eligible for this refund you must present proof of your participation in the entire program in all aspects, and proof that you took action on each of the Homework/Action Assignments and the results or lack of that those actions produced. To apply for a the refund request, you must advise the Support Department of Light Sword Martial Arts PMA in writing within 30 days from the end of the last session, meeting or contract completion date, via email at support@lightswordmartialarts.com. At that point only, the executive team will review your request and determine your eligibility for a refund. No other refunds are granted for students that change their minds, change their heart, change their situation or chose not to participate fully in the program outside of the cooling off period (which is 5 days from the time of purchase only). The main membership holder’s seat (not the program partner) is under the guarantee only.

7. Payment For Enrollments – Paid in Full Option

You must pay in full at the time of your enrollment to qualify for the special ‘paid in full’ pricing.

8. Enrollment Deposit – Payment Plan Option

We will not accept your enrollment until we receive a payment from you equal to or greater than the minimum deposit. If your enrollment deposit is not equal to the minimum deposit required this amount will be held in credit and will not be refunded outside of the cooling off period. Light Sword Martial Arts PMA reserves the right to withhold benefits, done for you services or private consults until advanced course is fully paid.

9. Payment For Enrollments – Payment Plan Option

If you chose the payment plan option, you automatically agree to us charging your credit or debit card monthly for the amount shown on the payment form/shopping cart. You also agree to the additional amount above and beyond the paid in full price point. Payment plan options carry an interest penalty on 100% of the balance carried after the deposit into a payment plan. If you selected the payment plan option – you agree to staying paced with the Payment Plan or resolving any issues with your payment quickly. You also agree that if your payment plan goes delinquent by up to 5 days, Industry Rockstar reserves the right to remove you from the program, forum or any other active part of the program.

10. Changing A Payment Plan

Any changes to your payment plan must be received in writing to support@lightswordmartialarts.com 10 days prior to your next scheduled debit date.

11. Completion Term

All components of the program you registered for, MUST be completed by the indicated course completion date. There will be no credit for any components of your package that are NOT completed by the event completion date. The event completion date (unless otherwise indicated by Light Sword Martial Arts PMA in writing) is considered the last session of the course or class. Any private meetings, done for you services, additional course material available or anything else offered in the package when purchase MUST be consumed by the final session of the course. No exceptions are granted.

12. Live Seminar Changes

If your package includes a live, in person, event of any kind and Light Sword Martial Arts PMA (for any reason) deems it necessary to change the seminar dates, venue (including moving the event to a virtual only format), speaker, content, title or hours we may do so by notifying you in writing up to 14 days before the live in person event – of the changes we need to make. In this case you retain the right to reschedule your enrollment without penalty. You agree to release us from any additional travel change costs due to the changes. We change as little as possible and historically have changed almost no event dates, but due to the recent global complexities, this possibility exists more and more.

13. If You Choose to Cancel or Reschedule Your Enrollment

Should you elect to cancel or reschedule your enrollment, Industry Rockstar will not be able to avoid the costs involved for your original commitment. For this reason we charge a fee for the cancellation or rescheduling of your enrollment as indicated below. All requests to cancel or reschedule your enrolment must be received by Light Sword Martial Arts PMA in writing or email.

14. Cancelling Your Enrollment Within The 5 Day Cooling-off Period

If you choose to cancel your enrollment for any reason within 5 business days of completing the payment form (the “cooling-off period”), then we will refund you the total amount you have paid to us less a 10% administrative fee and the value of any physical or digital products received. Please note all product is non refundable. Please allow up to 10 business days after your refund has been approved for your refund to be processed.

15. Cancelling Your Enrollment After The 5 Day Cooling-off Period

If you choose to cancel your enrollment for any reason after the 5 business day cooling-off period you will receive a credit only. Credits may not be claimed as refunds; but may be applied towards an enrollment in any other seminar or product offered by Light Sword Martial Arts PMA within 12 months.

16. Enrollment Cancellation And Product Costs

Products and bonus items are non-returnable outside of the cooling off period. If you choose to cancel your enrollment for any reason, the value of any product and bonus items received with your enrollment will be deducted from any credit that you may be eligible for. Product and bonus items can be membership sites, other speaker inclusions, done for you services, private meetings, etc. The value of the product is shown during the offer and will be deducted based upon consumption of the product and the value of the product.

17. Rescheduling Your Enrollment

If you choose to delay your start date (for any reason), you will have up to 1 calendar year to initiate a new start date. All payments are still due in the normal timely manner, even though the start date might be delayed. Any reschedule of live events is subject to seats being available in the next seminar with the same speaker as shown overleaf. You agree that Light Sword Martial Arts PMA may not convene the same seminar again and there is no obligation on Light Sword Martial Arts PMA to do so. Any event purchase that is re-scheduled from the original date selected, must be rescheduled to an event within 12 months of the original purchase, if not done so the purchase and fees will be forfeited.

18. Failure To Attend A Seminar or Training Session

If you fail to attend a seminar or training session in which you are enrolled in then you will forfeit the full cost of that enrollment and a credit is not available. You will be welcome to join the same seminar the next time it is delivered, however you will be responsible for attending the seminar (possibly in another location than your local territory) and with any additional travel fess fully responsible to you.

19. Product Warranty (if applicable)

If any product that you receive with your enrollment is found to be faulty, our only obligation to you is to replace the faulty product within 10 business days of your written request and return of faulty product. This is for online digital or offline physical products.

20. Partner Discount (if applicable)

If you have enrolled in this event as the partner of a full fee-paying participant and you have received a partner discount on the seminar, should your full fee-paying partner cancel, your discount will no longer apply and you will be required to pay the full fee for the course. Should your full fee-paying partner change to a payment plan then your discount will be the payment plan discount price. Partner Discount is only for spouse, defacto spouse or formal business partner nominated at the time of the enrollment agreement. If your program partner drops out of the program mid-program, there will be no replacement partner accepted.

21. General

The laws of the state of Virginia, USA govern this agreement where applicable. Should any part of this agreement be determined by a court to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement will be unaffected. This agreement may not be varied except with the written approval of a director of Light Sword Martial Arts PMA. All terms, conditions and warranties implied by statute that are excludable are excluded from this agreement. Such terms, conditions and warranties implied by statute that are not excludable are not excluded from this agreement but our liability for breach of such conditions and warranties implied by statute that are not excludable is limited to the total amount paid by you to Light Sword Martial Arts PMA under this agreement.

22. Arbitration & Release of Litigation

In the case of any dispute arising under this agreement which cannot be resolved by reasonable discussion, both parties agree to forgo any litigation, and instead engage the services of a professional mediator agreed upon by the parties and attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute through confidential mediation. Any and all disputes and final resolution are agreed to be maintained in confidentiality indefinitely.

23. Mutual Non-Disparagement

You agree that you will refrain from any defamation, libel or slander of the officers, executives or leaders or Light Sword Martial Arts PMA, or refrain from the use of any trademark or likeness, and agree to not create any tortious interference with the contracts of other students, relationships, vendors or future prospects creating any economic damage and you will not disrupt the Company’s business in any manner online or offline..

Article 1a: Age limit

By using the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and to use the Site in accordance with these Terms of Service, our Privacy Policy and any additional terms and conditions that may apply to specific sections of the Site or to products and services available through the Site or from Light Sword Martial Arts PMA.

Accessing the Site, in any manner, whether automated or otherwise, constitutes use of the Site and your agreement to be bound by these Terms of Service.

Article 2: Placing Order

By placing an Order for Products through the Service, you warrant that you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.

Article 3: Price

The prices are indicated in dollars, excluding the shipping and processing of your order. The price of items can be changed at any time. However, the price applied to an order will be the one stated at the time of the order.

Article 4: Your information

If you wish to place an Order for Products available on the Service, you may be asked to supply certain information relevant to your order including, without limitation, your name, your email, your phone number, your credit card number, the expiration date of your credit card, your billing address, and your shipping information.

You represent and warrant that: (i) You have the legal right to use any credit or debit card(s) or any other payment method(s) in connection with any Order; and that (ii) the information you supply to us is true, correct and complete.

By submitting such information, you grant us the right to provide the information to payment processing third parties for purposes of facilitating the completion of your order.

Article 5: Payment

Payment is due immediately on the date of the order, this includes pre-order products.

Payment can be made through any payment methods we have available, such as Visa, MasterCard, Affinity Card, American Express cards or online payment methods (PayPal, for example).

Payment cards (credit cards or debit cards) are subject to validation checks and authorization by Your card issuer. If we do not receive the required authorization, We will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery of your order.

Article 6: Delivery

Delivery is made to the address you specified when placing your order (therefore, pay particular attention to the spelling of the address you enter and especially the postal code).

The risks will be your responsibility from the date on which the ordered products have left our premises. However, in the event of a lost package, we will do everything necessary so that you still receive your product or that you are reimbursed according to your warranty.

Article 7: Changes to these Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material we will make reasonable efforts to provide at least 30 days' notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.

By continuing to access or use our Service after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, please stop using the website and the Service.

Article 8: Company information Light Sword Martial Arts PMA

Light Sword Martial Arts PMA

5671 Raby Rd. Unit-B

Norfolk, VA. 23502